To improve healthcare options for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Missouri, and to better support their families and caregivers, the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities (DMH-DD) has partnered with StationMD to provide I/DD-specialized telehealth services to Missouri residents with I/DD on any of the four DMH-DD Waivers. This allows individuals to connect quickly with a doctor at any hour of the day, 365 days a year, for any medical concern or for disability-specific advice.
StationMD is a telehealth company dedicated to serving individuals with I/DD. All StationMD clinicians are board-certified and specially trained to treat individuals with I/DD. Using StationMD helps prevent traumatic ER visits, unnecessary hospital admissions, and minimizes disruptions to activities, medication schedules, meals, work, and sleep.
StationMD is considered a “Health Assessment & Coordination (HAC)” support service. Any Missouri resident with I/DD on any of the four DMH-DD Waivers is eligible to enroll for StationMD’s 24/7 telehealth service through their Individual Support Plan (ISP).
Once an individual is enrolled for StationMD’s service on their ISP, they can start a telemedicine visit anytime, day or night, whenever they need a doctor’s attention, including:
To determine if a trip to the ER is necessary
Fever, vomiting, cough, congestion, & seasonal illness
Seizures, falls, & minor injuries
Prescription refills, general medical guidance
Urinary tract infections, constipation, & diarrhea
Pink Eye, allergies, & migraines
Rashes, cuts, bruises, sores, and minor burns
Questions for a doctor and other health concerns
A smart device (Android, iPhone, iPad, or tablet) and an internet connection or cellular data
Basic patient information and reason for calling
A callback number
Call StationMD at 1-877-STATMDS (1-877-782-8637)
The StationMD receptionist will collect patient information (please have insurance & Medicaid information ready)
A StationMD technical assistance will help the individual and/or caregiver complete patient check-in from a smart device (Android, iPhone, iPad, or tablet)
The StationMD clinician will join momentarily
Following a telemedicine visit, StationMD will coordinate with the individual and/or their caregiver/guardian and the individual’s regular doctors as needed, to ensure continuity of care.
Should an individual need a physician’s attention immediately, StationMD will coordinate with the individual’s preferred emergency department to prepare for the patient’s arrival.
StationMD is not a replacement for primary care but rather an additional resource when people with I/DD need immediate medical care.
For any other questions about StationMD, please email or call 908-663-2929 ext. 830.
Additional Resources