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Behavioral Health Services

Behavioral Health Services

Station MD

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StationMD Behavioral Health Services




We provide virtual behavioral health services like behavioral evaluations, virtual counseling, and virtual mental health services for people with disabilities.


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Providing Behavioral Health Services Via Telehealth

StationMD is proud to offer Behavioral Health Services through scheduled Psychiatry and Psychology telemedicine appointments. Our staff psychiatrists are all US residency trained and board-certified in psychiatry. They are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of mental health and behavioral illnesses effecting people with disabilities.

For acute issues, our 24/7 Urgent Care serves as a backbone to fill any gaps that come up off hours.

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When you work with StationMD to provide your residents with tele-psychiatry, you will have a dedicated psychiatrist that will learn the needs of the person and develop an individualized treatment plan that will include:

  • Medication management & optimization
  • Management of medication side effects
  • Development of an escalation plan for those at high risk of destabilization
  • Discussion with family and loved ones
  • Coordination with your staff, case managers, nurses and direct support professionals to promote multidisciplinary care tailored to the individual’s needs.
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Currently, we only offer psychology services in New York. Services include, but are not limited to:

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  • General Counseling / Couples & Group Counseling
  • Cognitive & Adaptive Functioning Testing for placement or academic services
  • Vineland Adaptive Functioning Testing
  • Capacity Testing
  • Evaluation for ICF admission

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