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Station MD

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StationMD’s urgent care telemedicine service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Montana. Service is available to participants enrolled in the StationMD/DPHHS pilot program.


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StationMD’s urgent care telemedicine service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Montana.

Need questions about the StationMD/DPHHS pilot program?

We’re hosting 30 minute sessions on April 24th and May 1st at 1pm to show you how to use the service and support your needs. We’ll cover:

Living arrangements, employment, workshops, technology, and similar topics
Practical insights for agency support staff
Strategies for increasing independence and improving care
Success stories, real-time answers tailored to your role and needs

What is StationMD?

StationMD is a telehealth company dedicated to serving individuals with I/DD. All StationMD clinicians are board-certified and specially trained to treat individuals with I/DD. Using StationMD helps prevent traumatic ER visits, unnecessary hospital admissions, and minimizes disruptions to activities, medication schedules, meals, work, and sleep.

Who is Eligible to Use StationMD?

Service is available to participants enrolled in the StationMD/DPHHS pilot program.

When Do You Use StationMD?

Enrollees in the StationMD/DPHHS pilot can start a telemedicine visit anytime, day or night, whenever they need a doctor’s attention, including:

To determine if a trip to the ER is necessary

Fever, vomiting, cough, congestion, & seasonal illness

Seizures, falls, & minor injuries


Prescription refills, general medical guidance

Urinary tract infections, constipation, & diarrhea

Pink Eye, allergies, & migraines

Rashes, cuts, bruises, sores, and minor burns

Questions for a doctor and other health concerns

What You’ll Need for Your Call with StationMD

  A smart device (Android, iPhone, iPad, or tablet) and an internet connection or cellular data

  Basic patient information and reason for calling

  A callback number

How to Start a Telemedicine Visit with a StationMD Doctor:

phone  Call StationMD at 1-877-STATMDS (1-877-782-8637)

desk  The StationMD receptionist will collect patient information (please have insurance & Medicaid information ready)

cs rep  A StationMD technical assistance will help the individual and/or caregiver complete patient check-in from a smart device (Android, iPhone, iPad, or tablet)

iphone  The StationMD clinician will join momentarily

What Happens After a StationMD Visit?

Following a telemedicine visit, StationMD will coordinate with the individual and/or their caregiver/guardian and the individual’s regular doctors as needed, to ensure continuity of care.

Should an individual need a physician’s attention immediately, StationMD will coordinate with the individual’s preferred emergency department to prepare for the patient’s arrival.

StationMD is not a replacement for primary care but rather an additional resource when people with I/DD need immediate medical care.

Please see our Montana resources here: