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Provider Agencies

Delivering Exceptional Care to Your Clients

Provider Agencies

Station MD

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StationMD Provider Agencies




Improve care and support agency staff with telemedicine services from StationMD. Our virtual services range from counseling to behavioral therapy.


Who We Serve


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Provider Agencies

We work with all types of provider agencies to improve care and support agency staff and operations. Our solution is utilized in group homes, supportive apartments, intermediate care facilities (ICFs), individual residential alternatives (IRAs), day programs, and even camps.

Vector hand holding money signifying decreased cost

Decrease Costs

From avoided ER transfers to reduced back-staffing costs, we’ve collected robust data that demonstrates cost savings for our clients.

Vector hand holding money signifying decreased cost
group transparent

Support Your Staff

Our service provides support and peace of mind to your staff when a medical issue arises. Having a doctor at their fingertips gives staff the confidence and resources needed to support your clients.

You can see how important StationMD is to our field. There is no way to thank you enough for this wonderful service and for just being there for all of us.

Susan Constantino
President & CEO of CP of NY

Bring StationMD to Your Agency

Interested in learning more? Contact us today!