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Government Agencies

Support Your Most Vulnerable Populations

Government Agencies

Station MD

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StationMD Government Agencies




We work with government agencies to provide telemedicine services such as telehealth for autism, mental health services, and intellectual disability services.


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Government Agencies

We proudly work with government agencies in a variety of ways – via grants, state funding or the waiver system – we can work with you to find funding avenues and support your most vulnerable populations.

Two people with IDD receive mental health services in a community home

Encourage Community Living and Foster Independence

Rather than spend hours at unnecessary doctor’s visits or in the ER, the individuals we serve can get answers to their health concern faster and back to their day sooner. Whether that means they can go to a job they love or spend time bowling with friends, they are able to spend their time however they choose.

Two people with IDD receive mental health services in a community home
Doctor saving money in a piggy bank

Cost Avoidance

Our services have allowed government agencies to achieve their mission of enhancing the lives of people with disabilities while positively impacting the cost of care. StationMD has partnered with several states improving patient outcomes and elevating the quality of medical care for this population in a financially sustainable manner.

Bring StationMD to Your State

Interested in learning more? A member of our team is happy to talk with you.