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Did You Know? StationMD Doctors Can Review Patient Medical History

Did You Know?

Did you know that with most individuals we see and treat, StationMD doctors can review medical information and history? This greatly enhances the care received. Unlike the experience of being seen in an emergency room, this ability to see a patient’s history provides for more individualized care. Unnecessary testing can be avoided, allowing for a better experience for the individual.

After a telemedicine visit with StationMD, if given access, our doctors can provide visit notes in the electronic health record (EHR) of the provider agency for all of the care team to see. The sharing and availability of information helps ensure greater care coordination for the individual. And if need be, StationMD doctors can electronically prescribe needed medication.

Don’t have an EHR? No problem! StationMD has it’s own patient care portal that is used to document all visits. If requested, StationMD can share notes from our virtual visit with primary care physicians and other care team members via our secure platform.