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Did You Know? Family & Care Team Members Can Join StationMD’s Virtual Visits

Did You Know?

Did you know that StationMD doctors can include loved ones or members of an individual’s care team on a virtual visit?

We know it is important for family and members of the care team to stay involved in and understand their loved ones’ medical care and health concerns. StationMD’s telemedicine solution allows for a patient’s family or support staff to participate in the video encounter, letting them sit in on the examination and ask questions directly to the doctor.

After the visit, StationMD doctors add their notes in the agency’s electronic health record for the individual seen, where all care staff with access can view it. The individual’s primary doctor is notified to ensure care coordination and then proper follow-up.

It is StationMD’s goal to help individuals with I/DD to lead happier, healthier, and more productive lives. This is just one way that we are working to accomplish this goal.